Where are you searching?
An obvious place to search…!
Image from treasury.gov.au
Where are you searching?
“Make sure that the beer – four pints a week – goes to the troops under fire before any of the parties in the rear get a drop.” — Winston Churchill to his Secretary of War, 1944
It was a dark and stormy evening. The very drunk man weaved his way down the footpath, crossed the road and into the car park. He thought he could see his car, over on the far side, across the garden beds. As he stumbled through the flowers, he pulled his car keys out, and dropped them. He stopped, looked around but as it was dark, he couldn’t see them amongst the flower beds. He turned around.
Some time later, another, quite sober man walked down the same footpath and saw our very drunk friend on his hands and knees under a street light, obviously searching for something. He stopped and asked if he was OK, and had he lost something.
“Yesh… (belch) …! I dropped my (hiccup) car keys an I yam trying to find them!”
“Can I help you search?” asked our Good Samaritan?
“That would be very mush apprec.. apprec… apprec… Thank you!”
After some time, it was obvious the keys were not there. The Good Samaritan asked: “Where were you when you dropped them?”
“I wuz in the flower garden over there in the car park an they dropped right out of my fingers…!”
“Then why are you looking here, and not over there where you dropped them?”
“Silly.. There’s no light over there!”
We can laugh at this funny story, but is there a real life parallel here?
#Where are you searching for what you want from life?
I went to the woods to seek enlightenment
Image from flickr.com
Are you looking where it’s easy to see, where it’s easy to be, rather than where “it” actually is?
Are you looking “out there” in things, or other people for the answers you need from a lot closer to home? It’s easy to bury ourselves in work, or distract ourselves with toys, technology, titillation or temptation. However, there comes a time when we realise that if we REALLY want to achieve what it is we said we wanted so long ago, that we have to get real, and go looking for it in the right place. So where are you searching?

Searching for answers in toys
Image from thisnext.com
The right place may not always be in the light. The right place may not be easy. The right place may be uncomfortable for a while. The right place might be hard.
But being in the wrong place is eventually a lot harder and darker and less fun than looking in the right place!
Where are you searching?
Why are you searching there, rather than where it is?
Are you searching in the wrong place because you don’t know where to look? Or because you are afraid you’ll find it? That’s the scary one – fear of success can really mess up your party, and your life! Getting over this is actually not as hard as you think, once you realise it might be a problem for you. Read on…
“The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self.” ― Albert Einstein
How do you know where to search?
The answers are usually within. Within us. Starting with the will to be honest with ourselves, and get clear with what we truly want. And why we want it. Once we know what we want and have a powerful reason why, the how will soon appear. It always does. Internal motivation works that way.
Whether the how, the method, strategy or direction to what you want is through a person, an opportunity, knowledge or whatever, once you have clarity and the motivation to pursue it, you will find a way. However, that’s the hard way….
Many years ago, Thomas Alva Edison, working in conjunction with a team of researchers at his Menlo Park studio, invented the first practical light bulb which was great for looking in dark places.
You may not need a light bulb in your search, but you may need assistance to find what you are looking for, both in the early stages when you seek clarity and empowerment, and later, when you need a goalsetting strategy and a support team. Where are you searching now? Perhaps there is an easier way.
If you feel this post has helped you to stop searching under the lamp-post and start looking where your goals are, then please, share this blog, pass it on to your friends and associates. Perhaps you could be the one who helps them to start looking for what they want from life in the right place too!
Til next time, fair winds and full sails!
Ray Jamieson
“Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.”
― Peter Deunov
Please also refer to my other posts on #Empowerment, to assist you with your specific challenge.
Integrity, Spirituality and Empowerment

Image from goinflippincrazy.com