Tag Archives: subconscious mind

Self Development why bother?

Self Development - why bother

Turn your own light on!

Self Development why bother? 

“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.”Benjamin Franklin

Have you ever wanted more?  More of anything?  For any reason?

Have you ever considered why that was?

It is human nature for people to be explorers, inventors, creators or to wish they were.  It’s a human evolutionary trait and has ensured the survival of the species so far, and enshrined man as the top species on the planet, by way of adaptation, versatility with living environments, and ability to either change to suit an environment, or change the environment to suit man.

Whilst you might not think that this affects you, it’s the same drive that makes you want to stretch just that little bit, be that little bit better, score a little higher, to want more.

As children, we wanted to impress Mummy and Daddy and how good we were at anything we did.  At school, we either strove to be the best in class or on the athletics field, or were envious of those who excelled.  We paid homage to the top athletes, the highest achievers in any competition, and if we were shown to be failures at any time, it was a time of derision, and sometimes shame for us.

This is the human evolutionary program, and it has a lot to do with the Darwinian theories.  The law of the jungle, the fittest and best survive and thrive to ensure continuity of the species.

Self Development - why bother

Law of the jungle – those most suited will survive!

“Man is not going to wait passively for millions of years before evolution offers him a better brain.” Corneliu E Giurgea

So, Self Development why bother?  How does it relate to you, now?

The feelings of frustration you experience from time to time are tied in with this.  Those feelings of frustration are telling you that you are not winning, that you are not good enough to succeed at this challenge, and you need to become better.  It’s that evolutionary programming at work, pushing you to learn more, so you can be more and do more and achieve more.

That’s not to say that you are being forced into continual retraining.  It’s just a reminder to you, gently, that you need to keep up to date with your skills.

However, look at where your frustration occurs.  Does this suggest something to you?

If you are continually frustrated in a particular area of your life, let’s use relationships as an example, the frustration is urging you to develop more in that area of life.  If your relationships are difficult to begin, short-lived, painful, end badly and leave scars, you don’t really need to be told that there is probably something you have yet to learn in the relationships field.

Self Development - why bother

Sources of knowledge

It’s not a call to become the guru of self development – just a call to perhaps pick up a book at the library and see if you can get some tips.

Self development why bother with growth and learning when so many people seem to get by just fine, and they seem like perfect morons to me?

That’s true too.  There are those people who appear to wander through this world, totally ignorant of everything around them and yet they seem to manage.  It’s all relative to your desired place in your world and your community.  Is THAT how you want to be perceived by the people around you?  Or would you rather some respect when you speak?

There are times in life when we decide to stretch a little, perhaps getting married, asking the question, daring to invite or allow another person into your life.  Perhaps it’s starting a business, taking your idea to the market place and asking people to trust you enough to do business with you.  Perhaps buying a house, and asking the bank to respect you enough to assist you with a home loan.

It’s times like these that you really don’t want to be seen as the village idiot.  It’s a great reason to want to try to be more than you are, to reach your potential.

But it’s not the only reason!

Self development why bother to aim even higher?

There IS so much more!  We are each born with gifts that are in some ways, unique to us.  Look at the people who come to mind when you think of greatness?

Think of great authors, perhaps Wilbur Smith, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, Shakespeare, F Scott Fitzgerald, J K Rowling, Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe and so on.

Think of great minds, and Einstein comes to mind, along with Leonardo Da Vinci, Marie Curie, Faraday, Bell, Marconi, Isaac Newton, and Edwin Hubble.

Sports people?  There are so many; First four-minute mile went to Roger Bannister in 1954 and is a perfect example.  He inspired John Landy to become the second to achieve the feat on 21st June 1954, only 6 weeks after Bannister on 6th of May, 1954.  Since then, many have achieved the feat, inspired by these achievements.  Not only did they prove it was possible, they could probably be credited with the start of sports science, the study of what the human body can possibly achieve.

That led to the development of sciences of the mind, because it was soon realised that attitude was almost as important as physical ability when it came to achievements of physical prowess.

Which brings us back to the starting point!

Self development why bother?

Because it opens new worlds up to us, for a tiny outlay of time and energy, the results and returns can be multiplied many times over.

Knowing how someone achieved something else means you can learn from their efforts, trials and mistakes, and go straight to a winning strategy.  Knowing what mental state to be in for a specific task can mean success or failure at that task – why wouldn’t you want to know that?  Knowing how to win the love, admiration and lifelong affections of someone you admire, surely that is worth stretching yourself a little to learn?  Knowing how to be the best partner, lover, breadwinner, parent or whatever it is you desire in your life, that is why we bother!

Self Development why bother?

Self Development - why bother

The world at your fingertips! healthyshouts.blogspot.com

Because we have to earn our place at the tables in this world.  We have a choice – earn that place at the table or get the crumbs left by those who did!

The great thing about self development is that not many do actually bother, making it easy pickings for the rest of us!  So many are content with the crumbs, perhaps because they have never looked up and realised where they fell from.  However, you are reading this now, so you know about the seats available at the table, and you also probably know that this could be a first step towards taking one.

There are people who will read this, perhaps in desperation and or frustration, who have some sort of physical or health challenges and who have asked the question:  Self Development why bother? and decided it wasn’t worth it.  I say to you, no, you don’t need to be a Roger Bannister, but look at what he REALLY did!  He proved that more could be had and done, and inspired millions of people to strive for me, and who ultimately went on to create better lives for themselves, and for so many others.  Who could you be an inspiration for?

Look at your frustration – we discussed it earlier.  Perhaps you still have a gift to discover, that will ease your frustration.  No, I can’t and neither can anyone else give you a shortcut to it and tell you what it is or how to do it.  That’s up to you – it’s called personal development, your own journey of self discovery.  The truth is that the longest journey most of us will ever make is the journey to discover our true potential!  If you are wondering whether it is worth it, ask yourself if you have unexplored potential yet to be shown to the world, or even to yourself.  Are you sitting on a gift that you don’t yet know about?  You can begin or continue your Self Development journey by CLICKING HERE NOW!

Self development why bother?

Because it’s worth it.  You owe at least this much to yourself and your family!  Welcome aboard!

If you wish to explore Self Development further, it’s easy to make a start.  Look at this blog for a way to put a little self development into each day, to create better results as you progress and ultimately bring out the full potential of you!

If you answered YES to the question of Self Development why bother?, the next blog will have the HOW of this subject, some powerful tips on what you can do from where you are, to make a start and start making a difference!

The Entrepreneur’s Credo

I do not choose to be a common man, 

It is my right to be uncommon … if I can, 

I seek opportunity … not security. 

I do not wish to be a kept citizen. 

Humbled and dulled by having the 

State look after me. 

I want to take the calculated risk; 

To dream and to build. 

To fail and to succeed. 

I refuse to barter incentive for a dole; 

I prefer the challenges of life 

To the guaranteed existence; 

The thrill of fulfillment 

To the stale calm of Utopia. 

I will not trade freedom for beneficence 

Nor my dignity for a handout 

I will never cower before any master 

Nor bend to any threat. 

It is my heritage to stand erect. 

Proud and unafraid; 

To think and act for myself, 

To enjoy the benefit of my creations 

And to face the world boldly and say: 

This, with God’s help, I have done 

All this is what it means 

To be an Entrepreneur.

― Thomas Paine, Common Sense

If you feel this blog has value to you, maybe it has value to others!  Please share and reblog it.  Who knows who might find a reason in here to make changes in their life too!  After all, that’s what friends are for…!

If “The Entrepreneurs Credo” has inspired you to make a start on your Self Development Journey, CLICK HERE to begin, now!

Til next time, fair winds and full sails!

Ray Jamieson

See you there!

Mixed Messages with goal setting

I’m sick of these mixed messages. I’m only human. I can’t read your mind. Unknown Quote.

What on earth is a Mixed Message?

You know how people say “I want to be/do/have ‘that'”, and then you see them doing things that are absolutely contrary to “that” outcome?

What do you think it would be like as a neuron in their mind?

Torn in totally different directions, the subconscious mind tries to do what the person wants but with diametrically opposed instructions, only chaos and frustration can result!

Are we all guilty of sending Mixed Messages?

At times, for sure.  There have been times when my mind has been made up to pursue a certain direction, a goal, a challenge, and I found myself doing things totally differently, and things that would certainly prevent me achieving the goal I just set!  Why is this?

We run programs in our minds.  We are preprogrammed to a degree, just like that laptop you bought.  It was either a Mac or Windows operational platform.  It has to operate on one of those platforms, because that’s all there is.  A Mac cannot decide to run Microsoft Windows, it would need massive programming changes to be made for that to happen, and all you’d have left is the case, if it would fit!

#Mixed messages

Severely conflicted messages in action! 
Courtesy of grapevine.is

The same with us.  We can think and process new ideas but sometimes, the old ideas are the program that is actually driving us around in daily life.  To change the outcomes, we need to change the program.  Sometimes we set goals that are opposed and cancel each other out!  This so often happens with relationship goals and is a constant challenge for families.  Competition for time especially is a huge factor for consideration – there are only 24 hours in a day and sometimes the goals we set demand more than 24 hours to achieve them – and someone misses out!

The mixed messages run both ways, internally and externally.  To the outside world, they might see a flashy, even flamboyant figure, driving a sports car, the total appearance of success, but his creditors might tell you differently.  What he says might be different to what he does.

Internally, he might be saying to himself “OK, success this time, one more deal and we are sorted out again!” But then he picks up the phone, or gets on the computer and wastes the afternoon and suddenly, the opportunity for that deal has passed.

Chaos and confusion.  Sending mixed messages everywhere.  It happens in relationships, in business, in families and everywhere else we are working.  The trouble with it is that while ever we send mixed messages to ourselves and the rest of the world, we are paddling upstream in a strong current, as far as success goes, with achieving our goals!

Just imagine twenty people in your team and your bus is bogged in the sand.  You tell ten people to push on the front, and ten to push on the back of the bus.  Their efforts cancel each other out.  Lots of effort and energy expended, but no progress.  The bus is still bogged.  Mixed messages in where the effort needs to go.

#Mixed messages

Bogged Bus, not going anywhere fast! 
Courtesy of www.camping.de

If you tell 5 of those people in front of the bus to come to the back, you now have 15 pushing the bus forward, and only 5 trying to push it back.  The bus may move but there’s a lot of swearing and frustration between the two groups.

So the last 5 in front of the bus come to the back of the bus and start pushing, and you now have all twenty people pushing in the same direction!  Viola!  Success, the bus is quickly out of the bog, and you are powering along the road again in no time at all.

This is what is going on inside our minds when we send mixed messages – until they are congruent with our intended direction, we get frustration and angst and not a lot of progress!

What to do about Mixed Messages.

Perhaps the best way to ensure this congruency in goalsetting is through a structured program that systematically:

  • creates awareness of your goalsetting plans, issues and other limitations
  • teaches you how to correct, improve and align them
  • eliminates limiting fears, phobias and beliefs

    #Mixed messages

    Aligned goals
    courtesy of www.stimulbrain.com

  • teaches you to set appropriate and aligned goals in all areas of your life and then how to achieve them
  • consolidates your new awareness and better habits into unconscious success behaviours
  • ensures your financial situation supports your new goals
  • and gives you to tools to maintain the success you achieve for life.

Life Change 90 is such a program.  It is a powerful, 90 day program with a few minutes of morning and evening activities that firstly set up your day with awareness of and habits for success, then reviews and consolidates your successes each evening.

Over three months you achieve heightened awareness of any issues and limitations facing you and standing in your way of achieving your goals.  You become aware of goals that are not aligned or supporting each other.  You learn strategies, solutions and antidotes to those issues, and replace them with habits of success that become part of your subconscious programming.  This programming automatically sets you up for success.  Being embedded subconsciously as success habits gives you a lifelong program of continued consolidation of your successes.

For more information in the value of systems in changing your life around, this blog post could help.

How much does it cost?

Depending on your currency, it could be as little as the cost of two coffees a week, and it is probable that within a fortnight, your new habits will have saved you more than the total cost of the 90 day program and that money will be in your bank account or wallet!

To learn more about Life Change 90 and how to integrate this program into your life, click the logo below.

To enrol in this program, click here now!

If you feel this post has value, please share it with your friends, or reblog it for others.  Everyone deserves a change to make a change for the better!  This might be that chance!

Til next time, fair winds and full sails,

Ray Jamieson

Why systemize personal development?

Why systemize personal development?

“The system has already anticipated the freedom seeking mechanism in humans.”
Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

Imagine for a moment that you were going into a department store.  You knew the store took up a whole city block, because it was the only building on the block.  You could see that it was ten stories high, looking up from the street.  It had a single door in from the street and the only signage was “We are open 1 hour each day”.  You look inside the door, and the store looked like everything had been dumped in from the ceiling, boxes and bags and loose items were scattered everywhere, randomly.  How daunting is this shopping experience going to be?

#Personal Development

Untidy department store
image from esterknows.com

However, over the street is another department store, with all the same items for sale.  Same size store, also ten stories high.  The difference is that this store has a wide front door, with a huge directory board right at the door, with a sign that read “OPEN 24 hours”.  Next to it stood a smiling doorman who greeted you cheerily, and asked if he could direct you to what you needed to purchase, or if he could help you decide what you needed.

#Personal Development

Amazing department store
image from victorthevampirekitty.blogspot.com

Which store would you like to shop at?

Me too – the one with the great system!

It’s a lot like life really.  We didn’t get a map of the universe of personal development when we arrived on earth.  We know somehow that it’s all out there available to us, but where do you start?  How do you know what you need?  That’s why a system is important.

There are some stages in changing your life from what it is now, to what you’d rather it was like, and the stages start very close to home.  Today, you and I are the product of everything we have done in all the years of our lives right up to this moment in time – we are the end result of all of our efforts.

How many years did it take for us to get like this?  It’s OK, only you need to know that.  But we need to realise that it’s taken a number of years to get us this way, and we will need a little time to change the programs that got us here, to get them to take us to somewhere else more desirable.  It starts in our minds.  The most amazing computer program on the planet is inside our heads and we need to slip a new disc into it, so that it creates a different personal development outcome for us.

#Personal Development

Our amazing onboard computer
image from jonlieffmd.com

The good news is that it doesn’t take long.  But it does take a little time and the old ways will cling onto you, as habits.  Some work will be necessary, but this is where the value and power of a great system kicks in!

Imagine now that each morning, you took 10 minutes to put the new disc into your onboard computer, set up your day with it, and then went about your daily business with the new personal development program running.

Imagine that in the evening, possibly after dinner and after your day is complete, except for some quality time with your loved ones, perhaps watching a moving, talking, reading or sharing some special time, image that before you settled into this beautiful space for the evening, that you took another 10 or 15 minutes and downloaded the results of your new personal development computer program from this day, and saved them into your laptop or tablet at home.

Imagine that this was all it took to change your life from what you have now, that you want to change, into what you wanted it to be, as soon as possible in the future.

Congratulations, you have just imagined working with Life Change 90!

Life Change 90 is a 90 day program, a self-development system that is designed to work with your habits and activities over 90 days, 3 months, and enable you to change your life from what it has been to what you desire.  A few minutes morning and evening to program your day and download the outcomes, showing you every day, the successes you have had in changing your life with this new systemized personal development program.

Along the way, you will discover what has been limiting you, distracting you and taking you away from what you truly desire.  It will show you better ways, and guide you around the department store of life to exactly what you need to make those life changes, and the system will lock them in place for you.

Interested? Click HERE to learn more, and start now!

Or are you still standing in front of that little door in the big, messed up department store, hoping to find something the hard way?

To learn more about Life Change 90, check the link below, and explore this website.  Ask questions in the FAQ section.  Be amazed.  That’s what life is about.

If you found this blog post to be of value, please share it with your friends and reblog it.  At some time through the life of every person, they wish for a Life Change.  This could be that change and that time.  Let’s make the world a better place!

Til next time, fair winds and full sails,

Ray Jamieson


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