Why systemize personal development?
Why systemize personal development?
“The system has already anticipated the freedom seeking mechanism in humans.”
― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason
Imagine for a moment that you were going into a department store. You knew the store took up a whole city block, because it was the only building on the block. You could see that it was ten stories high, looking up from the street. It had a single door in from the street and the only signage was “We are open 1 hour each day”. You look inside the door, and the store looked like everything had been dumped in from the ceiling, boxes and bags and loose items were scattered everywhere, randomly. How daunting is this shopping experience going to be?

Untidy department store
image from esterknows.com
However, over the street is another department store, with all the same items for sale. Same size store, also ten stories high. The difference is that this store has a wide front door, with a huge directory board right at the door, with a sign that read “OPEN 24 hours”. Next to it stood a smiling doorman who greeted you cheerily, and asked if he could direct you to what you needed to purchase, or if he could help you decide what you needed.
Amazing department store
image from victorthevampirekitty.blogspot.com
Which store would you like to shop at?
Me too – the one with the great system!
It’s a lot like life really. We didn’t get a map of the universe of personal development when we arrived on earth. We know somehow that it’s all out there available to us, but where do you start? How do you know what you need? That’s why a system is important.
There are some stages in changing your life from what it is now, to what you’d rather it was like, and the stages start very close to home. Today, you and I are the product of everything we have done in all the years of our lives right up to this moment in time – we are the end result of all of our efforts.
How many years did it take for us to get like this? It’s OK, only you need to know that. But we need to realise that it’s taken a number of years to get us this way, and we will need a little time to change the programs that got us here, to get them to take us to somewhere else more desirable. It starts in our minds. The most amazing computer program on the planet is inside our heads and we need to slip a new disc into it, so that it creates a different personal development outcome for us.
Our amazing onboard computer
image from jonlieffmd.com
The good news is that it doesn’t take long. But it does take a little time and the old ways will cling onto you, as habits. Some work will be necessary, but this is where the value and power of a great system kicks in!
Imagine now that each morning, you took 10 minutes to put the new disc into your onboard computer, set up your day with it, and then went about your daily business with the new personal development program running.
Imagine that in the evening, possibly after dinner and after your day is complete, except for some quality time with your loved ones, perhaps watching a moving, talking, reading or sharing some special time, image that before you settled into this beautiful space for the evening, that you took another 10 or 15 minutes and downloaded the results of your new personal development computer program from this day, and saved them into your laptop or tablet at home.
Imagine that this was all it took to change your life from what you have now, that you want to change, into what you wanted it to be, as soon as possible in the future.
Congratulations, you have just imagined working with Life Change 90!
Interested? Click HERE to learn more, and start now!
Or are you still standing in front of that little door in the big, messed up department store, hoping to find something the hard way?
To learn more about Life Change 90, check the link below, and explore this website. Ask questions in the FAQ section. Be amazed. That’s what life is about.
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Til next time, fair winds and full sails,
Ray Jamieson