A Success Story
A Success Story
I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity. John D. Rockefeller
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Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes, you can turn it around, massively. This is Linda’s Success Story and how she turned her life around.

Lost her job!
When I met Linda, she was in her early fifties. Her husband had just left her for a younger woman. She had just lost her job because she was one of the 15,000 employees of the major employer in her city that had just closed down at short notice, and she arrived home to find that her rented house had been burgled. The most prized possession stolen was her new laptop computer.

Oh no! Not burgled too?
There wasn’t much else that anyone could take from Linda; broke, unemployed, burgled, abandoned by her husband and pretty upset with life.
However, Linda had already committed to working on a self development program. It was scheduled to start just after all these disasters had happened in her life.
Linda’s Success Story was about to begin.
She arrived for the meeting and took lots of notes. She had nothing much to go back home to, so there was nothing to lose by making a total commitment to her life change. At the first program session, she decided as her goal, she wanted to get into a home of her own. A pretty amazing goal when you consider her starting point.

Starting over again, more intelligently!
6 weeks later, Linda arrived for the first review session. She had been working with other people on the program in the meantime for moral support, but as they had ‘normal lives’ and jobs and families to keep them occupied, she didn’t get anything more than that.
We asked for a “show and tell”. After a small #success story from a couple of folks, Linda’s turn came.
“I bought my first house” she said, “and the contract settles on a second house in a fortnight!”
WOW! We asked her how she did it and it was simple enough. She was totally committed and decided to follow the goal setting program she had planned to the letter. One of the program sessions was on how to buy property without a deposit, so she followed the steps exactly, twice! It happened, each time, just as the program said it would! Exactly as she planned in her goals!
When she told her son and daughter, both living away from her, they told her she couldn’t do it – it was impossible. She told them she was lucky she didn’t ask them first, because by then, she had already ‘done the impossible!’
Of course, Linda was delighted with such a huge shift and change in her fortunes. But her success story didn’t stop there.
When she applied for finance, she met a really nice guy, the mortgage broker. Over the next six months, he became rather enamoured of this dynamic little lady, and they were married within the year. Another plank in her success story – a new husband – infinitely more interesting than the one who abandoned her!

Never too late!
I had a phone call from Linda and Ron a while ago. They were living in a home on the North Shore overlooking Sydney Harbour, with their four dogs. They discovered they shared a love of dogs and walking the dogs daily was a treasured time for them. They were calling to ask about purchasing a huge industrial property about 3 hours west of Sydney. They already had 4 residential properties, each one paying for itself with the rent coming in, properties that they had purchased without a deposit according to the original plans, as well as the beautiful place they lived in on Sydney Harbour. Now they were looking even further ahead with their success story!
A massive life change and success story after only two years!
What was Linda’s secret with her success story? How did she do it?
First, she was totally committed. Her life had been thoroughly cleaned out with that series of disastrous events and left her with nothing but the knowledge that she had to turn her life around – or starve! She was totally committed!
Second, she had a plan and followed it. At the program, much of which is now available in an online version as the “Life Change 90 program”, Linda chose her direction and set the goals she wanted to achieve. She worked though the goals; she planned them carefully, then followed the plan.
Third, she had a supportive environment around her. The program design with affirmations, self development, personal growth and confidence building sessions, as well as the mentors in the program, the benchmarks and nightly checking off successes, created an environment where she was congratulated either by the program benchmarks, herself with each evening’s review exercises, or the people around her; each provided moral and practical support.
That’s all she needed for her success story! She demonstrated that all the excuses that most people put up as reasons for failure are just words! No money, no job, no partner, no computer, these are just the excuses other people make for their failures. Linda was a tiny lady in her fifties, with no money, no job, no close family and nothing but a good plan and determination to succeed. And that’s all she needed! She and Ron are living proof of it!
“Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.”
The same program Linda used in her success story, to turn her life and her fortunes around is available to everyone, and you can start on your success story anytime you choose. Anytime you choose to not accept your excuses any more…
Hmmmm! What’s next?
If you have gained value from this post and feel others would benefit also, please share or reblog it for them. Let’s add some more value to this world! A success story should be available to everyone!
“Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.”
Til next time, fair winds and full sails,
Associated Links:
Commitment to your goals and yourself
The value of a structured program