Old Habits Die Hard

Intense conditioning and programming of habits under way!
Image from git-security.com
“The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.”
― Samuel Johnson
Old Habits Die Hard!
Norm was fresh out of the army. For six years, it had been the ‘spit and polish’ routine, and “Yes Sir, No Sir” had been the way of life. Now, all that was finished, Norm was back home for a while. It felt good, having the chance to break away from all the routines and settle into the easier going life on the farm for a change. Well, that was the intention. Old habits die hard!
The first day back, and his father decided to bring in a load of firewood. While Norm and the other boys polished off breakfast, Dad put the chainsaws on the truck, along with a few crow bars and axes.
Breakfast over, the boys trooped out. Suddenly Norm called out, “Hang on a minute,” and darted back into the house. About a minute later, he reappeared, with a silly grin on his face.
“I don’t have to polish my boots for you bunch.” He said. “Let’s go!”
#Old habits die hard!
“Some rules are nothing but old habits that people are afraid to change.”
― Therese Anne Fowler, Souvenir
We all have conditioning drilled into us. Conditioning is habit – we all have habits and have had for many, many years. Our lives run by habit and that’s generally OK. Takes a lot of pressure off remembering what to do, like breathe, walk and so on. Subconscious programs are developed when we learn and develop habits. We may not even realise they are running, while they take control of our lives. Maybe we’d like to change them, but old habits die hard.

A habit to change?
Image from abcnewsradioonline.com
Not all conditioning or habits are good, and some may need to be changed as we outgrow them. We do outgrow habits and their subconscious programs.
Habits and subconscious programs are like railroad tracks. Hard to get off, once you get onto those rails.

A program in motion
Image from wikipedia.org
Programs can fail or go wrong, without us realising until it has happened. That’s when trouble hits and we find the program no longer serves us.
Can someone please explain this to me?
Image from gizmodo.com.au
Getting off tracks and out of habits and programs can be a challenge. Old habits die hard!

A bit of a challenge changing tracks the hard way.
Image from ptarm.tumblr.com
However, done correctly, changing an unwanted habit or program can be easy!

Changing habits should be this easy!
Image from leungkm.blogspot.com
You just need to install a new program. Not all old habits die hard, after all!
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
― Jim Ryun
My Darling wife bought a new computer today. A beautiful object, a work of art. However, it’s useless. It has no programs installed. YET. The program is in the box, ready to download. Then, the computer will be ready to do the most amazing things for her. With the new program installed. Doing what SHE wants it to do.

Isn’t it lovely?
Image from zdnet.com
This is also how to change a habit you no longer want, a habit that is running as a subconscious program in your life. Insert a different program into your computer. Change your program!

One new program/habit coming up!
Image from www.mln.com.au
“A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit.”
― Desiderius Erasmus
If you found this post to be empowering, and supports you into changing old programs and unwanted habits, please share it with your friends and associates. Reblog it so that other people can gain these benefits too. They will be grateful you did.
Til next time, fair winds and full sails,
Ray Jamieson
“Warren Buffett chuckled and said to me “I hope it’s not my bad habits”. Good Habits once established are just as hard to break as bad habits, and bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow. So what are you going to do about it?”
― Lucas Remmerswaal, 13 Habits.com the Tale of Tortoise Buffett and Trader Hare

What a great New Habit!
Image from thingstodococoabeach.com