A Prayer for today
A prayer for today
“Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening” Mahatma Gandhi

What a way to start the day!
Mahatma Gandhi
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/prayer.html#LiYJAYoq5W2y9qL0.99
Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/mahatmagan133480.html#UY71llSRowjXlHc5.99I’m a writer. I have always been a writer. From time to time in this blog, you will find some spiritual writings, maybe some poetry, and occasionally some Australiana, all either experienced or inspired by events in my life at some time.
I’m a writer. I have always been a writer. From time to time through my blogs, you will find posts on spirituality, mostly from my book “Lessons of Life”. You will also find some poetry occasionally, and even some Australiana stories! All these have been inspired by events or situations in my life, from where I have taken a lesson and been inspired by what happened. There will also be many more of my regular posts on self development, lessons I have learned and taught since I began in the 1990’s, some taken from The Executive Mastermind, some developed for specific purposes or clients.
My first books came out 2 decades ago; the verse below is probably the single page of which I am most proud. It is from the book “Lessons of Life“, a collection of spiritual stories that, when I had a question, I would let fall open and read my answer from the page. It was uncanny how inspirational and accurate it was.
This was a period early in my time of self development and personal growth, when I was still struggling with some of the concepts of spirituality and personal growth that I now know are integrated into my life, things I have been learning, and more importantly, teaching, for the last two decades. I wrote this verse back then, and in those days, I had a diary, a large folder from which I worked and kept my business appointments from.
This verse was in that folder and I read it aloud to myself, night and morning. I’m glad I did. It’s who I am now.
“There is a voice in the Universe urging us to remember our purpose for being on this great Earth. This is the voice of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us” Dr Wayne W Dyer
#A prayer for today: A prayer for every day!

Nicely done!
Today, My Perfect Day
A day that I could begin by being of service to another, to start their day also with inspiration and love.
A day when I could plan and begin projects – dreams that could take all of my tomorrows to complete.
A day I would live as though it was my last, as though there would be no tomorrow.
A day when I would play the games I play to the limit,
To laugh as hard as I can,
To love as passionately as I am able,
To work and achieve to my capacity,
yet with time to rest and relax with my loved ones
until we are full of the love we have for one another.
A day when there is time to reflect,
To consider those whose fortunes have not yet been realised, as mine have,
To pray that they may be realised – soon.
A day which closes with a Prayer of Thanks to the Great Spirit and all the guides I have,
for watching over me through this day,
and to ask them to guide me through the next,
so that again someone might say:
“I’m glad that you came by!”
© Ray Jamieson 1993
I hope you enjoyed a prayer for today. I do believe that this verse, created during a dark period of my life from some inspiration that came from I knew not where at the time, created a solid spiritual foundation in my life. From these foundations came all the other spiritual and teaching works that I have delivered over the years, and provided the compass by which I steered, mostly. Only when I strayed did I find myself in trouble, and this, a prayer for today and every day, helped me back, each time.
If you feel “A Prayer For today” has helped you, been of value to you and could possibly help others, please share it, reblog it, tweet it and generally spread the word. If a prayer for today helps just one other person, that makes at least two, and it’s certainly been worthwhile.
Thank you.

No matter how big your sails!
Til next time, fair winds and full sails,
Ray Jamieson