Belief in Miracles

Another miracle
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Belief in Miracles
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein
The man knelt beside his bed each night, praying to God for a miracle – to win the lottery. Each night for years he prayed, until at last one night, it happened……..
A great voice boomed from out of the heavens, it came from everywhere, all around, powerful, resonant, soft yet strong.
“Sir, each night you pray for me to help you win the lottery. Why oh why can you not make it a little easier for me? Can’t you at least buy a ticket?”

Lucky number?
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Smile if you want, but this is what life is like for so many people of all denominations around our planet. Each day and night, they pray to a God or Goddess they will never see, whom they were told in infancy was all powerful and that they were unworthy sinners. They pray for miracles that are almost beyond imagination, but fail to understand that they already have within their grasp, the most powerful miracle machine there is!
“Miracles are like pimples, because once you start looking for them you find more than you ever dreamed you’d see.” ― Lemony Snicket, The Lump of Coal

Ancient Deities
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Praying to a divinity for miracles is what has kept Man, as a species, focussed for hundreds of thousands of years, an unseen force greater than himself, a God of Fire, or Thunder, a Sun God, or some other deity relevant to his life, his hunting or the seasons and the harvest. Then he became ‘civilised’ and started praying to images of himself, but ever more powerful, and so many times, abandoned belief in himself and his own personal power only to give it away to a deity from which he could never hope for more than symbolism in return.
If you want to access your personal power again, then you need the #belief in miracles that others ascribe to their Gods, but realise that the miracle is YOU! Belief in Miracles has created a miracle already, you and the life you lead. You are not simply the result of an ‘original sin‘, but the result of a belief in miracles, a faith of the generation before you that there was a wonderful life to be had and you were the child they wished to have it.
To nurture this belief in miracles, you also need to be worthy of them! This is not a diatribe against people with a belief in miracles. Rather, it is an admission that I am an admirer of them. Not only do I have a belief in miracles, I have an expectation of them!

Personal Empowerment – be your own miracle!
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But there’s a difference: If you expect a miracle to happen, prepare for it, plan to be worthy of it. Imagine that YOU were the Almighty Deity sitting up there, looking down, choosing who to bestow with miracles. Who would you choose? The one who just prayed and hoped, or the one who had rolled up their sleeves and was creating their own miracles for themselves and others around them?
That’s right. Be worthy of earning a miracle and more often than not, the miracles will be bestowed on you. And if they aren’t, you’ll still have a better life than you would if you were still kneeling, and praying, waiting for it to happen.
As He said, you gotta buy the ticket!
If you felt this article could have helped you get your ‘ticket’, please share it with others. Pass it on, because just like you, and me, there are so many people praying for miracles. We need to help them where and when we can.
Til next time, fair winds and full sails,
Ray Jamieson