An Angel Without Wings

A whole city of Angels!
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“If I got rid of my demons, I’d lose my angels.”
― Tennessee Williams, Conversations with Tennessee Williams
An Angel Without Wings.
God is forever creating new Angels.
One day some time ago, he finished another Angel – but was having a bad day and forgot to give her wings.
“Darn it!” he thought. “Well, I won’t put her back. I’ll give her extra serves of love and courage, a radiant smile and she can go to earth and be an Angel down there, where she won’t need wings.” So he put her on earth, as a baby.
Earth was a harsh environment for the Angel baby. Life kept putting obstacles in her way, challenges to solve and the burdens of other people to weigh on her also. There always seemed to be something else to do, someone else to heal, to care for or to help.
“My Angels have a lot of work to do,” he told Saint Peter.
But with the extra love and courage in her heart, the Little Angel’s smile shone like a beacon through all her trials and tribulations. She became an inspiration to those around her.
God said, “I will give her more to do.” He sent more needy people her way.
Life’s ordeals and unscrupulous people took away all she had, her health, her marriage, her money and he thought, “Surely this will try her out!”
Her courage never faltered, still her smile shone and her love inspired those who knew her.
St Peter looked down and wept at what he saw!
“God!!” he cried. “You can’t keep this up! She has already done more by her example than many of your other Angels and raised her children to be like herself. Her example inspires all in the world that see her. Please ease her burden, so that she may freely work for you!”
“Perhaps, Peter, you are right. I will think on it.” God was pensive. He stroked a whiskered chin with his thumb. “I’ll tell you what I will do, Peter. I will give her the love of a wonderful man, surround her with true friends and shower her with peace of mind and satisfaction for what she does.
Maybe in the future her burdens will ease – but right now, My Little Angel Without Wings has much to do.”

WWII Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel in Papua New Guinea, assisting an injured Australian soldier. Angels come disguised in so many ways!
Image from
“For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans.”
― Brian L. Weiss
There are many angels without wings, just like this one. You know who you are, Dear Angel. You know when you are an angel to someone who needs you, someone whose challenges need some extra attention and you can give it to them, even though your own troubles and challenges almost overwhelm you. You know so many people count on you and you just have to be there for them. Take a bow – you are not alone!

An Angel at work!
Image from
But you feel alone, Dear Angel, so much of the time. You feel like the pain you bear will overpower you. You feel like the isolation your situation causes will bury you in loneliness. You feel like no-one else would understand your situation, even if you knew how to explain it to them. And yet you keep on. And you keep praying. Because that’s what an Angel will do.
More power to you.
This world has need of an angel like you. We need more of you, many more of you. If I could create the “Angel without Wings Network”, you’d be in there, with all those other special angels without wings, helping each other and helping heal the world.
There is an Angel Network. However, it doesn’t cater for angels like this one, or perhaps an #Angel like you. You are an Angel in hiding, a secret Angel that only a few people know about and appreciate, unfortunately.
Even Angels have bad days!
Image from
What I do know is that you, our Dear Angel, need help. You need to give yourself the best possible chance of making it through this, and out to the bright spot on the other side. And to do that, you need a loving and supportive environment around you. You need encouragement, morning and evening, to keep going. You need to see your achievements each evening, so you know your day has been worthwhile, valuable to someone and satisfying to you. You need your own goals to aim for and to achieve, and you need to be taught how to rise to all the challenges that life is and will continue to throw at you.
If you feel that this post has empowered an Angel, or made an Angel feel she could fly again, please share it, reblog it and pass it on to other Angels without Wings. You know who they are. Every angel should feel like they have another Angel to share with, and to fly to at times. This could be your time to fly!
Til next time, fair winds and full sails, Angels!