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Life Change Event Definition

Life Change Event

Oooops! Didn’t see that coming!                 Image from

Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.   Hugh Prather

What is a “Life Change Event?”

I was asked what I do recently and it gave me pause to think about the many people I have coached, consulted to and worked with over the last 25 years, and one theme kept coming back to me. Each person in their own way found a way to say:

“I expected more out of life than this by now!”

Each person was moving into a life change event phase, and needed assistance to make that life change.

Typical life change events:

• Forced job or career changes
• Trauma or tragedy in your family or close community
• Financial challenges forcing lifestyle changes
• Relocation to a new community
• Health challenges, accidents
• Relationship changes
• Birth of a child, or the kids leaving home
• Personal unrest or dissatisfaction with life, success and/or achievement
• Inspiration to set new goals
• Seeing someone else fail or succeed and being prompted to change
• A seminar. Workshop or even a conversation that changed your mindset

There are many possible life change events, and they will be different for everyone. The same #life change event will have different effects and impacts on different people. For example, your company restructure means that you are suddenly redundant and looking for a new job. For some people, it’s just a matter of getting another job. Someone else might take it as a sign that it’s time to find another career. Others might think it was time for them to set up that business they have always wanted to run. Others fall apart and cannot handle the thought of having no job security! It’s different for everyone!

Life Change Event

OH NO!                    Image from

The Defining Factor

A defining factor of a Life Change Event is that it is an event for which preparation and support are required. It’s not something that you can just launch into without time, energy and effort invested into preparation and planning.

Perhaps you’ll have the resources. Maybe not. Maybe you can blunder through on your own. It will take longer, cost more and stress you more, but it’s to your own timeframe. Unless the Life Change Event is costing you financially as well.

You might also recognise the value of an objective viewpoint when looking at all your options, and retain a Life Change Coach to assist you to make this change process happen faster, more effectively and perhaps provide insights that will ultimately make it an incredibly powerful and positive event in your life, and that of your family.

If this is you, then Life Change Coaching is available.

Life Change Event

Make Tomorrow Different!             Image From

What is Life Change Coaching?

Life Change Coaching is a specialised field. Rather than a performance coach who might help you squeeze the last increments of performance increase from your existing systems, a Life Change Coach is the person you need to see when it is time to reinvent your systems or yourself, to start over in some area of your life.

That new job, career, business strategy, investment, relationship – when the life change event is likely to impact your existing life in a major way, or you wish that it would, then it is time to call in a Life Change Coach.  When your existing life and or business strategies are not working, it’s time to seriously consider Life Change Coaching.

Click here to meet your new Life Change Coach now!

If you know someone else who is facing a Life Change Situation, please pass this message onto them – you know they will thank you for it.

Til next time, fair winds and full sails!

Ray Jamieson

The Entrepreneurs Credo

I do not choose to be a common man,
It is my right to be uncommon … if I can,
I seek opportunity … not security.
I do not wish to be a kept citizen.
Humbled and dulled by having the
State look after me.
I want to take the calculated risk;
To dream and to build.
To fail and to succeed.
I refuse to barter incentive for a dole;
I prefer the challenges of life
To the guaranteed existence;
The thrill of fulfillment
To the stale calm of Utopia.
I will not trade freedom for beneficence
Nor my dignity for a handout
I will never cower before any master
Nor bend to any threat.
It is my heritage to stand erect.
Proud and unafraid;
To think and act for myself,
To enjoy the benefit of my creations
And to face the world boldly and say:
This, with God’s help, I have done
All this is what it means
To be an Entrepreneur.”

― Thomas Paine, Common Sense

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Success in Business

Success in Bsusiness

The view from the top!           Image from

Success in Business

“Wealth is good when it brings joy to others.” ― Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman In The World

It’s what we all want – our business names up in lights, products marching out the door, profits soaring, happy customers, happy staff and regular holidays. Not every business operates this way. In fact, it’s more the exception that the rule. Success in business is not a given, it is always hard earned.

Without meaning to get too Biblical, a Wise Man said, a very long time ago:
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” Matthew 7:24

Put simply, your business needs really solid foundations to enable it to withstand the forces of nature that are there to act against it, not only to withstand them, but to prosper despite them.

Looking again at nature, we see trees with deep roots withstand storms, floods and droughts, but trees growing in shallow soil get blown over in the same storm, washed away in that flood, or die of thirst in a drought, just because there is too little soil for decent foundations.

Nature’s blueprints are so powerful to use as an analogy when man is looking to create an enterprise. Leonardo looked at birds when creating his designs for winged flight and look at us now – our aeroplanes have wings! Look at a fighter jet – how much like a diving peregrine falcon is it? There are so many parallels in nature with man’s enterprises, and when it comes to success in business, we should do the same.

Lay solid foundations!

Success in Business


How do you lay solid foundations for success in business?

The first step is planning. Before you do anything else, get the business concept and ideas clear. Write, scribble, brainstorm and explore the concept to the nth degree. Then take what you have discovered, critically appraise it and look for the core that you can turn into a success in business. There needs to be a product or service that a suitably large target market wants and is willing to purchase. Your business plan needs to show that for success in business, you can deliver what those target customers want, at a price they are happy with, and with the level of quality and service to ensure they keep coming back for more. Until your business plan can demonstrate this, success in business is only a pipe dream for you – keep working at it until the model is right.

How do you plan properly for success in business?

The Business Profits Program is one way of making sure that all your bases are covered, and that your foundations will be strong. The depth of information you need for a successful business plan, one that will give you those strong foundations, will be found when you work your way methodically through the Business Profits Program. Success in Business is established by having all the bases covered, having as few surprises as possible for your business launch, and contingency plans in place, and that is what will come from your working with the Business profits Program.

Why is success in business important?

Whilst this might seem like a silly question, there is a lot to it! Many businesses puddle along, barely making a profit, but keeping the business owner occupied and paying all their bills. Most of the time. It’s as though they were working for someone else – they don’t care – it’s just a job. And what about their customers? Just as enthusiastic. They come there because they have to, or it’s a habit, not because of the service or quality of the product. Therein lies the problem!

This world demands quality of service. Our exchange with the world, the price we pay for our existence here is that we have to earn it. Without a genuine contribution of focussed energy and effort, don’t expect too much back!

Of course, there ARE those that work incredibly hard and don’t seem to get anywhere. That’s true, especially when those dedicated people are pushing against the wrong door. Often that can be a sign that either the techniques they are using are not suited to what they are doing, or their hearts lie elsewhere, and not in their business.

How do you ensure that your heart IS in your business?

In the same way that an accountant would check your books, you do an audit. The Business Profits Program starts with finding your passion, and then finds your skill sets. Next, it marries them up in all the possible combinations you could have with them.

For example, if your heart was in cooking, you loved great food and seeing people eat well and enjoy your cooking, your passion could be found in knowing you helped people eat and enjoy great food. Your abilities were perhaps as a chef, and as a communicator and teacher, because you loved to spread the word. How can you marry these abilities to take your passion to the world, in a way that made business sense and profits for you, whilst ethically working in your area of passion?

Success in Business

A Passion for your Business? Image from

Here are some options:
1. Open your own restaurant. (Needs a lot of capital to begin with and a ‘shopfront’)
2. Write and market a cookbook.
3. Create a subscription video series on cooking tips
4. Become a cooking teacher at a school, or start your own cooking class
5. Become employed as a chef
6. Become a food critic
7. Study nutrition and healthy eating
8. Study nutrition and great chefs and design new and innovative dishes and food combinations to write (#2), teach (#3 & #4) or practice (#1 & #5)

Just because you loved cooking. There are many more options, but this shows that you don’t have to limit yourself to a narrow range of options in your specific field!

What if you were a trades person, say a carpenter, who was no longer able to work hands on in your industry? Similar options, possibly even wider choice here:
1. Sales of equipment or products in the industry
2. Teaching carpentry at a school or vocational course
3. Writing about carpentry topics, books and teaching manuals
4. Seminars on industry safety and training in workplace safety
5. Designing new tools and equipment
6. Designing new carpentry/cabinet making products and innovations
7. Research and development in the industry
8. Teaching tradespeople to go from being employees to business owners

The list goes on. Each of these options works with your passion, but can be a business in its own right, working with your resource levels, skills and abilities, tailored around your current situation.  Look for that “Sweet Spot” in your life where what you are good at, what you enjoy and what people will pay you for all come together for you!

Success in Business

The Sweet Spot in your SPECIFIC Business!    Image from

How do you narrow success in business down to the specifics for you?

The Business Profits Program is the ideal tool to harness your passion and skills into a powerful business module and find your “Sweet Spot”. Download it and start with discovering your passion in life, and then learn how to apply your skills and resources to make your passion your business! Can you imagine how it will feel to be excited about getting out of bed each morning, to charge into a business that thrills you to be there, as well as making the profits and wealth you always dreamed of your way of life? This could be you!

Download the Business Profits Program now, and let’s get started.

If you know other people who either deserve or are seeking a life of passion through their businesses, please pass this message on – they can have it too!

Til next time, fair winds and full sails…

Ray Jamieson

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A lesson of Life for each of us

Those who can, must!

Perils of Small Business

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“If everything came easy in business everyone would have a business and be millionaires. It takes hard work, consistent effort and courage to keeping fighting the monster of failure.”  ― Delaine Robins

Success in Business

                Set your business on fire with the BUSINESS PROFITS PROGRAM!                       Image from

Those who can must! We all can!

Those who can, must!

             Miracle on the Hudson River:                     Image from

“You can’t do everything but you can do something!” ― Jeff Dixon

Those who can must!

It’s a simple philosophy, but profound, as many simple philosophies are. It came to me while musing on the world and life in general when, as a teenager, I was driving a tractor and plough in seemingly endless circles on the night shift, preparing a seed bed for planting. Deep in the night, alone with my thoughts, it resonated. Forty years later, it’s still my guiding principle.  #Those who can must!

Why is it that “those who can must”?

“Those who can must” is more than a one liner. It is possibly the most powerful philosophy of all. Why is it so important that we do all we can? What does it mean? Let’s look at the first part – “those who can”.

Those who can what?

Why is it that we have skilled crafts people? Artists, architects, builders, mechanics, pilots, plumbers, lawyers, accountants, entrepreneurs; each of these is a skill-set in their own right. If a person has one of these skill sets, why is it so critical that they be the best they can at it?

Look at what “being your best” can mean.

You’re a mechanic. What difference does that make, whether you are “your best” or not? After all, you’re just servicing family cars. EXACTLY! The young mother who brings the family’s second car in for you to maintain, because the lousy, cheap skate husband has the good car with the good tyres on to drive to his work, leaving mother with the old car to transport the precious cargo of children to and from school! (Yes ladies, this is a global problem – show your husband this blog and let him have both barrels!) If you are an average mechanic, you’ll pop the hood, change the oil, check the water and let it go. If you are an excellent mechanic, being your best, you’ll be aware of the valuable cargo this vehicle carries, children – our future population – and take a closer look at the tyres, brakes, steering, suspension and even the seatbelt fittings. Because you know that when it rains again, your workmanship could be the difference between this little car spinning out of control and putting those lives at risk, or not!

Those who can, must!

Mum’s Taxi? Image from

What about being a pilot? You became a pilot perhaps because you loved flying and decided to make a career out of it. Now, you fly commercially and may have anywhere from 5 to 500 passenger lives under your control on any flight. Only this year, we have seen two Malaysian jet air liners crash, taking nearly 300 lives each time. It‘s obvious there is a huge responsibility on airline pilots to be the best they can. Yet in the news yesterday we saw a report of an Indian pilot snoozing while in command, and the co-pilot playing on an iPad and didn’t notice that the jet had dropped 5,000 feet and put it on a collision course with other aircraft! A mid-air collision could have killed 500 people in the air and who knows how many hundreds more on the ground!

Why be the best pilot you can, even more than just staying awake? Because sometimes being the best means you could retrieve an impossible situation such as the pilot who landed a US Airways Airbus with 155 passengers on the Hudson River after a bird strike killed the engines and forcing the landing. This incredibly skilled pilot landed the huge plane on the river without loss of life and you can bet he wasn’t looking at his iPad at the time! Every second of his life’s experiences was with him, and came into play as he settled that jet airliner onto the river near the rescue boats and saved every life!

OK, so you’re not an airline pilot, you’re just a local railway worker. How important could it be, to be your best in a railway yard? If you haven’t seen it, look for the movie “Unstoppable” starring Denzel Washington. It’s about a heavily laden freight train that becomes a runaway, speeding into a heavily populated area with a very dangerous turn in the tracks, after a slack train driver is too casual about changing tracks and lets the train get away from him. Denzel’s character in real life – the film is based on an actual drama in Ohio – uses skill and imagination to find a way to stop the runaway train and avert the catastrophe that could have happened.

Everyone has something that they CAN do, but why is it that they MUST do it?

Everyone also has something they are hopeless at! It would be a wasted life if we spent it trying to do something we would continually fail at. Wasting our lives, wasting our energy, when there is someone else who is great at exactly that job we are failing at, and we are depriving them of the job they love! We have skills so that we CAN use them, for the good of our family, our community and the world in general. Imagine if Einstein continued being a children’s tutor, then a clerk all his life, instead of following his brilliance and passion into the fields of Science where he contributed so much to the world and humanity in general! He followed the ethos of “those who can must” brilliantly, and changed the way the world saw itself. He changed the future, changed the lives of you and I, a hundred years ago.

Those who can, must

He followed HIS passion! Thankfully! Image from

When you and I follow the ethos of “Those who can must” we follow our passion and our skills into living and create lives that only WE can live. We are each unique and using our unique talents and abilities and fuelled by our passions, we can make differences like this too. Only WE can live OUR LIVES!

“Things won are done, joy’s soul lies in the doing.” ― William Shakespeare

Does “Those who can Must” apply to everyone? Who does this apply to?

This is for you and for me. Everyone can do something to contribute. Therefore, everyone must, if we are to make this world better for our children to follow on from us, to take our batons for the next leg of the Human Race.

Yes, that means you and me.

“You are responsible for doing what good you can with what you have, and any good is better than none.” ― Bryant McGill

But if you think, “I’m just a stay at home Mum”, then remember that this also applied to the parents of children such as Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci and so many more parents we never hear about. We only hear about the achievements of their children.

Maybe a police officer who notices someone loitering and feels the energy of a crime in the making apprehends them, and prevents who knows how many muggings, rapes, assaults and robberies. Perhaps they also prevent the loiterer from continuing in their dark world any further; perhaps enabling redemption from a possibly wasted life to a life well lived.

The writer who creates fictional novels, wonders how “those who can must” applies to them. Think of Wilbur Smith. Besides giving joy, peace and relaxation to millions of readers, how many people have been inspired by his writing to contribute to the conservation of the endangered ecosystems of Africa, where poaching has all but decimated the populations of elephants, rhino, lions and many other species. His writing has brought the plight of these ecosystems and many others globally to public awareness, far beyond anything he ever thought about when he first put pen to paper. How many other aspiring writers has he inspired to follow their dreams and passion to also become published authors, and reach out to millions more around the globe with their own messages of hope and inspiration?

Even the lowly blogger – if your writing changes or influences the life of just one other person and puts them back on track, then you have done your part. You don’t need to be a global superstar; one life saved is well worthwhile!

Being an unsung hero may be our life’s calling, following our passion into whatever we do. We may never know the magic we create downstream from the effects we have on the lives of the people with whom we interact, but there is no doubt the magic is there, as long as we do our part, as long as those who can must, and then do!

“Those who can must”, demands that we seek and follow our passion and skills, so that we can provide for our families, enrich our communities and make our world a better place for those who follow us! Whilst it seems huge when you examine it like this, all it really means is that we be the best we can, at whatever it is we are good at. If you don’t know what that is yet, then perhaps look at the Business Profits Program, where your skills, abilities and passions are explored for you to find your life’s calling. Perhaps you will uncover your passion and your calling there, to enable you to do what you must.

If you know what your passion is but are having trouble finding the time, discipline or motivation to follow it, then Life Change 90 is for you. Putting a structure into your day, infusing it with the inspiration, motivation and congratulations that make a day both worthwhile and enjoyable, is what you need to create positive habits that will stay with you for your lifetime.

Perhaps all you need to do is to pass the message on so that someone else can find and follow their passion. If you know someone who is searching, looking for a way to put meaning into their life, who is a square peg in a round hole at the moment, this may be your way to help them. Pass the message on; let them have the opportunity to decide, with new information, where they want their life to go. It only takes one to make it worthwhile!

Til next time, fair winds and full sails,

Ray Jamieson

PS: We watched “Unstoppable” again this evening, on DVD. It’s one heck of a ride – treat yourself to watching it soon, to see what a difference a person can make when the chips are down!  Those who can must watch this movie!

“If your life is a miserable disaster, you might want to consider, that it’s because you are doing something wrong.” ― Bryant McGill

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Og Mandino – Lessons from the Master

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Best Business Ideas For You

Perils of Small Business.

Perils of small business

Kayangel Atoll and Belau Palau Islands – what a paradise!                                                                        Image from

If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to work. WIlliam Shakespeare.

Perils of Small Business.

Imagine you are going on a holiday to a small, remote tropical island, a beautiful island, dotted with coconut palms, rainforests and a mountain in the middle of course, to climb and look out over the endless ocean. There is a lagoon with fringing reefs protecting the island beaches from the powerful ocean waves, a lagoon with a catamaran for your use, fishing rods and diving gear. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it.

You hop on the seaplane and it drops you off in the lagoon and takes off again and there you are, in your idyllic, island paradise. Still looking forward to the holiday?

Perils of Small Business

Arrival on your holiday island.               Image from

You look out beyond the reef and see the shark fins beyond the breakers, masses of them. The sun beats down on you because that’s what happens in the tropics, right? But it’s OK, because here you are safe on the beach, where you can sit in the shade when THUMP on the sand beside you, a huge coconut falls – luckily it missed you, it must weigh 3 kilos! So it’s not safe in the shade, not safe in the sun, not safe in the water, and who knows what’s in the rainforest!

Evening falls, and out comes all the mosquitos and other flying, crawling and mostly biting insects! Sure, this is some tropical paradise!

Perils of Small Business

Perils of tropical islands!                         Image from

“Life keeps throwing me curve balls and I don’t even own a bat. At least my dodging skills are improving.”  ― Jayleigh Cape

Or it could have been! With a little planning. If only there was a phone, you could arrange a few things, but then, a Satellite Phone should have been first on the list of things you planned for this remote island holiday.

What else would have been on your list? How about sunscreen, something around 50+ SPF? What about a hat and protective clothes to prevent sunburn? Insect repellent? Checking the accommodation for what it was stocked with first? Lots of things you could have planned in to make this the most fabulous holiday ever. Except you need to plan ahead, not as an afterthought.

Ahhhh, the perils of deserted tropical islands. They are a bit like small business – and the perils of small business are equally as dangerous, but equally as easy to plan for!

Perils of small business

The beach can be a challenge too!            image from

“I don’t run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run towards it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your foot” ― Nadia Comaneci

The perils of small business are many, but few of the perils are as dangerous as the failure to think ahead and plan where you are going and what you need. Arriving and hoping to make do is not a viable option. However, many people end up in business in exactly this situation, and then the perils of small business become too obvious, and very painful.

What are the perils of small business?

Perils of Small Business

Perils of small business – it’s not just your competitors!                                                            Image from

The first and most obvious peril is not having a focus, a goal, direction or strategy. Why are you in business? What do you want to achieve? Is it a money-making thing? Did you buy yourself a job? Is it your retirement funds invested? Or is it a passion you want to monetize and make a business, a career and a life from? It doesn’t matter, as long as you know, because it affects everything else.

Your business planning is based around where you want your business to go in the future. If you are buying a business to build up and sell, your plan will be very different to a business built on your passion and love for something you want to build a career and a life around. The perils of small business are waiting for those who get the fundamentals wrong.

Then there are the details, like the finances, the people you work with, the products and services, marketing and dealing with customers.

Not only are the fundamental issues like your business purpose and direction important, the details are critical too! You can have everything right except for one of many small but critical factors, and the whole lot can go awry before you realise. The perils of small business need to be examined and dealt with, long before you discover them the hard way.

How do you go about preventing these perils of small business taking you down, before they become an issue? The best way is for an intensive examination of your business concept, well before you take any other action on it. Even before your business plan is formulated, you need to be asking a lot of questions, designing and testing your concept and ideas, researching a variety of ideas, looking at your own motivation, your skills and capabilities before you even settle on your business model, around which you can start planning.

Once you settle on the concept, you can start designing the business model and whether you will be doing it alone, in partnership, with a company or in some other entity. All the different factors that will eventually become your business will have an influence on these foundation issues.

Once the foundation of your business model is established, you need to look at the whole raft of factors that are required to work in your favour, to ensure you don’t fall prey to the other perils of small business – failure of the business due to issues such as lack of capital, low sales, poor product or service quality, inadequate marketing, untrained staff or too many overhead costs.

How can you possibly hope to manage all of this, and still look forward to the adventure of being in small business for yourself, without the fear of succumbing to the perils of small business?

There is a way. It’s called the Business Profits Program. It looks at your idea and concept for a business, or helps you with one if all you have to begin with is the desire to be in your own business. Then it builds on your desire through your passion, finds a focal point for it, builds in your resources and capabilities and gives you the options for the businesses you could look forward to creating and building your new career around.

Next, you need to consider the details and the finer aspects of business planning. All that is taken care of too – with all the questions you need to ask to build a solid business plan and contingency plans for your concept, before you spend a cent on setting up the business. At this stage, the perils of small business are all on paper and you can work your way through them without fearing the disasters that could befall you, without this degree of preparation and forward planning in place.

Perils of small business

The delights of small business ownership!                                                                                Image from

A bit like that holiday. It can be a great idea, perfect location and the most wonderful opportunity, unless you forget something like the insect repellent, or the sunscreen…

The Business Profits Program ensures everything is in place for your business, before you have to face any of the perils of small business.

Perils of small business

  Yes, it’s possible, just plan for it!     Image from

If you find yourself in business and feeling like you landed on that deserted tropical island, facing the perils of small business all at once on your own, then it’s not too late – the Business Profits Program can help you re-examine your business and create a whole new plan for it, reinvigorating, reinventing if necessary, to ensure you are in the business you really want to be in. Take a look, no matter where you are up to in business. If you have some friends in business who look like they are facing the perils of small business also, please invite them to take a look too.

Preparation and planning never go astray. Just think of the tropical island holiday. It can be wonderful, or it can be a nightmare. The difference is all in the planning and preparation.

Til next time, fair winds and full sails.

Ray Jamieson

“I want to put a ding in the universe.” ― Steve Jobs

Other related blogs from Life Change 90:

Best Business Ideas For You

Life Change 90 Relaunch


Empowerment through Challenge

Just as a pet can be more of a challenge than a gift, so too can the holidays.  John Clayton

Best Business Ideas for you

Best Business Ideas.

Best Business Ideas

Day 1 of Life 2!               Image from

“Screw your career path, live your story.”  Jason Seiden

You would like to start a new business, but are not sure where to begin? So many people claiming to have or offering the ‘best business ideas’ for you. There are so many business opportunities, but either creating a business that suits you, or picking up an idea that could become your business can be a real challenge.

Get the idea wrong and you are a square peg in a round hole – a very bad fit.

Get it right and you are in harmony, and very often, in profit, with the best business ideas!

Getting your business ideas right is critical!

How do you select the best business ideas?

A great question to begin with, before you start looking around for a business, is to ask whether you should actually be in business! Are you an entrepreneur type personality, who can or would enjoy the cut and thrust of running your own solo enterprise, with far-reaching visions, energy and enthusiasm to drive you and a determination to succeed no matter what?

Perhaps you are a person who would work well within a team, conquering the business and corporate world together, each playing to the other’s strengths? You might love the business environment and the opportunities it presents, but would prefer to be part of a team when you tackle the world of business.

This is the crux of it: the best business ideas that suit one person are not the best business ideas that would suit another! Choosing your business approach must be based around your business personality, and knowing whether you are a solo entrepreneurial type or a corporate team player or partnership type is fundamental to the best business ideas turning into successful businesses!

As a first step, take the QUIZ on the Life Change 90 website “Should you be the boss in your own business?

That will give you indications of how to approach your business venture, whatever it is. Then it is time to look through those best business ideas and choose your opportunity.

Best business ideas

Steve Jobs – the ultimate entrepreneur, founder of Apple.              Image from

Short of a starting point when looking for the best business ideas?

Choosing the best business ideas is important, and tailoring these best business ideas to your own style, personality, resource level and ambitions is critical. There is an old saying “Bite off more than you can chew, and chew like crazy!” (Quote from Joe Joyce)… That’s OK as far as a recipe for stress goes, but it doesn’t always auger well for success. Perhaps a personal audit of what you love to do and what you can do, and monetizing that idea is a better way to create the business you want, from all the best business ideas available.

The Business Profits Program begins right at this point, tailoring your business idea around your likes, loves and abilities. If you looked at a dozen small businesses, all the same type of business, perhaps using a mechanical repair business as an example, you would find every business was different in subtle ways to the other eleven. They began as successful business ideas and let’s face it, auto repairs is a great business to be in – provided you get a few things right, by tailoring it to the person doing the business!

One person may be a lover of American Muscle Cars and specialise in that area – the rumble of huge V8 engines and heavy metal. Another person loves high performance European sports cars, especially Italian cars, and creates a specialist workshop for them. Yet another person could love the hot-rod scene and turn vintage and veteran cars into flaming street hot rods. And there will always be a need for someone to service the family car, for the other folks that just go to work each day and use their cars as personal transport rather than as symbols of a youth that they cannot leave behind. All are very successful business ideas, but each is tailored around the personal likes, loves and resources of the business operator. And that is how you must consider your best business ideas too. They are only ever successful business ideas when they are integrated with the personal interests and passions of the operator.

Best business ideas

American Muscle Cars – a passion for some.                    Image from

Whether you have an idea for a new business, or are actively seeking the best business ideas, it will be well worth your while to look at the Business Profits Program, to put into the worksheet what you have and what you want to create, and see what new and potentially very successful business ideas come up for you. The program looks at what you like to do, or be, what you are good at and what your resources and strengths are, before showing you how to work through them to combine them into one of the successful business ideas you always desired, but were not sure how to create. It’s a powerful start.

Once you have the idea, the next thing is to start designing it around where you really want to go with it, and that will be the subject of a future blog. For now, check out the Business Profits Program and choose from amongst the best business ideas out there, to design your next career move around!

If you know other people either in business, or wishing they were, who might like to review their business ideas or are looking for the best business ideas, send this to them. They will thank you for it!

Til next time, fair winds and full sails.

Ray Jamieson

Love everyone, trust a few, and paddle your own canoe.  Barry Moltz

Other related blogs from Life Change 90:

Life Change 90 Relaunch


Empowerment through Challenge

Jim Rohn, Business Philosopher

Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn at home on stage.                                      Image from

I remember Jim Rohn.

Jim Rohn

What a way to think of life!                 Image from

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.       Jim Rohn

One of the most quoted names of the business world in recent decades is E James Rohn (September 17, 1930 – December 5, 2009) or Jim Rohn, as most people knew him. Jim Rohn joined the speaking circuit during a period of #life change for him in the early 1960s with a talk at his local Rotary Club and in 1963, he delivered his first public seminar at the Beverly Hills Hotel. When he walked onto that stage, he walked into history to become one of the most influential speakers and motivators of the modern era, until his passing on December 5, 2009.

Some of the most famous and notable protégées of Jim Rohn include:
• Mark R Hughes (founder of Herbalife International)
Tony Robbins
Mark Victor Hansen
Jack Canfield (author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books)
Brian Tracy
Chris Widener
T Harv Eker

I first discovered Jim Rohn through his recorded seminars when I became a member of the Australian Institute of Management in Spring Hill in Brisbane, in the late 1980s. They have an amazing library and I utilised it to the max! Through borrowed cassette recordings, I devoured his wit and wisdom and came to respect him greatly. In April 1990, he visited the Gold Coast in Queensland and I attended my first seminar with him, a weekend Leadership Program. This began a friendship that I was privileged to enjoy for some years, until Jim retired in the USA soon after the year 2005. After our first weekend together where we chatted as often as I could get time with him, we caught up each time I attended his programs and seminars here in Queensland over the last decade before his retirement.

Jim was a man of small stature, but a giant in the business and speaking world. “Business philosopher” is the title that was coined for him and it is so apt. He exuded wisdom wherever he spoke, the wisdom that only comes from someone’s experience, never from a curriculum or textbook!

Through those many hours of recordings played on my car stereo, reading his books, emails and attending his programs, his philosophy and wisdom became a powerful influence in my life also. I was fortunate that I was also able to speak with him when he came to Australia, because the old saying:
A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books
is ever so true. Speaking with and sharing a table with Jim Rohn was a real privilege.

Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn Philosophy:                                           Image from

A sound bite from a Jim Rohn Seminar
The first evening seminar I attended with Jim was in Brisbane and only went for a couple of hours. This is part of the session:
“Last year when I was here, I recommended a book to you – “The Richest Man In Babylon”. How many of the people from that evening are here again tonight?”

About three-quarters of the room, over 500 people, put their hands up.

“Thank you, that’s great – nice to see you coming back again. Now, keep your hands up if you went out and bought that book.”

All but about 50 hands went down.

“That’s about right” he said. “Only around 10% of the people you talk to will take action on your advice, no matter how valuable you believe it is for them!”

He went on to talk about the book, and about how easy it was.

“It’s easy to buy, it’s easy to read, it’s easy to understand. However, it’s also easy not to buy! To buy this book, you need to make a conscious decision to become a better person, and that’s harder than not buying the book”.

That’s Jim Rohn philosophy, simple and profound. I love it! And yes, I bought the book.

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.      Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn authored a number of books, simple and easy books too. Full of his profound style of wisdom, and so relevant to everyday living and working in business. Jim’s life story is fascinating and well worth studying for a moment. He was a sales clerk in his early years before he was offered a job in direct sales by a very switched-on mentor. He soaked up the teachings of this mentor and propelled himself to success in that company and then the next company when he changed. He wrote and spoke about his success and the teachings of his mentor throughout his speaking career, inspiring the millions of people he reached around the world. It’s the lessons that can only come from experience, from face to face dealing with people, observing and learning from experience. His experience is what makes it so valuable. His style of delivery is what makes it so powerful and profound.

I was privileged to attend Jim’s Leadership weekend, and many other events at which he spoke, and even worked with him onstage at Brisbane once, when he and the great Zig Ziglar were in Brisbane.  That was a wonderful event and I had the chance to speak with both these great men during and after their events.  Since then, I have added all of Jim’s writing to my library and more than a few of his audio programs – more than a national treasure, this man had something worth listening to!

I’m proud to say that through my career in coaching, consulting, and public speaking, I have applied many of the lessons I learnt from Jim Rohn. Those familiar with his work may detect his influence in the Life Change 90 Program, although the original inspiration for that program came from Og Mandino, who I wrote about last week. Jim’s influence comes through most strongly in the Business Profits Program, because above all, Jim Rohn was an excellent business operator, very successful, very smart. Having Jim Rohn on your team would be valuable for everyone, and especially if you were starting a new business, or revamping one that was a little tired – Jim Rohn energy would inspire any business and any team!

Whether you are interested in the personal life change that Jim Rohn inspired world-wide, or whether you would like some of his philosophy in your business program, there’s something here for you. I’m also proud to say that I think Jim Rohn would be honoured to think he had a small role in the development of either of these programs. His legacy lives on also.

To find out more about the Life Change 90 Program, click here.

If you have a business or would like to begin one, it most likely could benefit from the Business profits Program, so click here!

Either way, the wisdom of the ages will be with you, allied with the technology of the 21st century, to propel you forward to success and achievement of your desires, now and far into the future. I wish you well with your desires.

Til next time, fair winds and full sails.

Ray Jamieson

Recent relevant blogs:

Og Mandino – Lessons from the Master

Life Change 90 Relaunch


Empowerment through Challenge

Starting a small business

Starting a small business

Amazing Garden – courtesy of

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Starting a small business

Starting a small business has much in common with starting a garden.

Starting a small business

Window Box Garden – courtesy of

A garden can be as small as a window box of herbs or colourful flowers, or acres of magnificence such as featured in some of the famous gardens of the world. Louis IV for example. Many acres of magnificent gardens, breathtaking in scope and features, a delight to experience and home to so much life and enterprise.

Starting a small business

Gardens of the Palace of Versailles, in France. This was NO ACCIDENT!        Courtesy of

However, these gardens both have much in common with starting a small business.

Each began with an idea, an inspiration. Someone, at some time, had to have the idea and inspiration to create either the small business, or the garden. Without that initial inspiration, neither is possible.

Starting a small business

What an idea! – image from

“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.” ― Gloria Steinem

In some cases, some people just bought seeds and scattered them. Some people just opened the doors on a business and hoped for the best. Both these strategies grow weeds, and soon fail.

Starting a small business

WEEDS!                   Image from

Starting a small business successfully requires the same strategy as starting a garden; you need a plan to work to. The best gardens, like the most successful small businesses, saw life through a very clear plan.

Not every garden was planned initially to look like the final completed picture, just as small businesses grow and evolve into their ultimate operation. Over time, the conditions and circumstances of the garden change, just as the small business environment you work in changes. Both must evolve, adapt and change with the times, so they can not only survive, but thrive!

Gardens are living, breathing organisms, teeming with life and activity. So are the most successful small business. Let’s look at what they have in common.

The initial plan is crucial.

Gardens have a creator. Someone had to start them off, create the idea and concept, mark out the seedbeds and plant the first seed. Someone also had to start the business, have the idea and stock the shelves.

Gardens need the right environment and location, soils and climate. With businesses, you must be where you can make sales and service your clients. Location is everything, whether a home based internet business, a corner store or a major retail outlet or service centre. Your location is just as critical because in the wrong location, all you get for either is a surfeit of weeds.

The climate? The business climate is just as important as the temperature and rainfall expectations for your plants. Some like it hot, others will die there – get it right. The business climate must be right for the business you are operating in that environment. Snowboards don’t sell well on the beachfront!

Choice of soils – just like the foundations of the business – crucial. Are your soils shallow and stony, or rich and deep? What is the foundation of your business? The marketability of your concept and the strategy for implementing it. Fundamentals for each enterprise.

Gardens need supplies of nutrients and water as their life flow. Fertiliser, water at the right time and volume, pruning, harvesting and weeding. Just as businesses do. Marketing, promotions, advertising, management strategy and ongoing training for everyone. Staff numbers and training need to be managed for efficient operation also.

Starting a small business is so much like gardening. You even need bees! Gardens need bees to pollinate flowers, to ensure the survival of the plants in the garden season after season. In starting a small business, you need to ensure you have access to bees also – both worker bees for your internal team and customer bees to ensure that the fruits of your labours multiply as profits, to ensure you are back next season also.

Starting a small business

Busy little bees! – Image from

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”  ― Abraham Lincoln

There is so much in common with both starting a small business and starting a garden, and knowing this we can plan for success in both, with the crossover of common sense and knowledge required for either enterprise.

Back to the beginning. Neither your garden, nor your business idea have a snowball’s chance in hell of success without their creator knowing and understanding what they are starting, and have a plan for its success. Whether you create your own plan, or get a landscape gardener or an accountant to do it for you, there must be a plan. The great benefit of creating it yourself when starting a small business is that you will get much closer to what you want, what you dreamed of and what you are passionate about.

The challenge is filling in the technical bits, to make sure your plan is complete.

Small business creation and planning is now very easy.

The Business Profits Program provides all the tools you need for starting a small business plan, and much more. It takes your original idea, or prompts you to create one if necessary, locates your resources, skills and capital, then shows you how to combine them into a business model. It asks you how you will define your business, identify your target market, finance your enterprise, produce goods or services, market them to the intended clients and launch your business with a degree of success that even your accountant would be happy to achieve.

However, it doesn’t help with planning a garden. Unless you want to make a business out of your garden. Then it could become the most valuable tool in your garden!

The Business Profits Program: it takes what you already know and have, and turns it into an exciting and profitable business!

It provides the foundations for starting and operating a business, successfully. Take a look – you’ll be glad you did!

If you know some other folks who are either in business or thinking of starting one, please send this article to them. They will thank you, I’m sure.

Til next time, fair winds and full sails.

Ray Jamieson

“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”  ― Warren Buffett

Other related blogs from Life Change 90:

Life Change 90 Relaunch


Empowerment through Challenge

Og Mandino – Lessons from the Master

Og Mandino

Og Mandino Courtesy of Wikipedia

“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.”
― Og Mandino

When Og Mandino touched my life

There are moments in our lives that are indelibly etched, that live with us forever. One such moment in my life is when Og Mandino first walked out on stage in front of me, sat down and began to speak.

It was a day in early 1987, at the old Boondall Entertainment Centre on the north side of Brisbane. There were half a dozen famous speakers on the schedule; I’d only heard of a couple. A friend and business associate at the time invited me along. He had a mobile mechanic business and credited much of his success to staying motivated by events such as this. That still holds true, we do need a regular injection of inspiration. I was then new to the corporate world and this was my first taste of it.

A couple of high energy, foot stomping, stand on the chair and chant speakers came on, one of whom has since mellowed and gained great popularity. When he spoke, there was a great energy in the hall, 17,000 people were up and chanting too, clapping and cheering.

Then Og Mandino took the stage.

The man had a presence I have rarely experienced. He spoke softly, invited us to sit, then he sat and began to speak. In contrast to the energy of the previous speaker, he hardly moved on his chair. The audience didn’t move, not even sure they breathed for the next hour as this man poured wisdom forth as though there was nothing else happening anywhere in the world. I don’t recall a single person coughing, not a chair creaking, not a sound for that hour, except the voice of Og Mandino reaching into my heart and changing my life around for me. If ever there was an audience with an angel, this was it.

I have no further recollection of any of the speakers of that day, although I still have the promo material and notes I made. Og Mandino had done his work. That was, I think, his last visit to Australia. He passed away in September of 1996, the world was saddened by his passing and his loss to humanity was incredible. However, the man left a legacy that I had begun to devour long before then. He was also an inspired author.

The Og Mandino Legacy

Og Mandino wrote many books, the most famous of all was “The Greatest Salesman in the World”. I read it many times, and followed up a number of times with the ‘workbook’ “The Greatest Secret”. It was while working through the exercises in this book that I gained the personal empowerment and inspiration that has me writing to you now.

Not only did #Og Mandino teach through the wisdom of his writing, he used strategies that if implemented, work brilliantly. Old but powerful concepts that the greatest teachers and philosophers down the ages have used to change the world. He made the suggestion that we record our successes daily, so that we could see at a glance, just how successful we were. He described a simple graph paper chart he used and I followed up on it.

First, I took a sheet of paper, ruled it up as I thought he meant, and went to work with it. Then I got my first computer, and created a spreadsheet in Excel. Each morning I would set my intention and goals for the day, and each night I would tick off my successes. My life turned on this program.

At the time, I was recovering both in health and from a business failure, and my goals for recovery from each went on this sheet. Month after month, I would check back and chart my progress. Some months I would see poor results, so I got out my diary and checked what I did that did not work – and saw how to change it for the better. Other months were a series of daily celebrations. On review, I could see what worked, so I incorporated more of those events and activities into my life. Simple although crude, but incredibly effective, daily doses of empowerment. Daily readings of Og Mandino books were a staple at this time in my life, consolidating my successes and carrying me through the dark times.

Og Mandino

Og Mandino Fundamentals Courtesy of

After only a couple of years of rebuilding my health and my life, I restarted in a new career direction. I had undertaken the Entrepreneurs Program at University of Queensland, the Business Programs at Kedron Business College and numerous other courses, programs and seminars, when the share market crashed.

The 1987/1988 share market crash was a global catastrophe. Lives and businesses were ruined overnight. But I was ready. I found that people were coming to me in my new vocation of business adviser to get them back out of trouble, out of impending bankruptcy, business closures and persecution by the banks. I had made my own turn-around, and now armed with the tools of my recent experiences, I took on this challenge. The incredible part was that the empowerment strategies I had used on myself, combined with the business education I had obtained, were both the emotional and business support and advice that these ailing and failing business owners needed. We never lost one who came on board with us! We saved millions of dollars for companies that were within days and sometimes hours of closure, hundreds of jobs that would have vanished, ruining lives and families as they went. But we saved them all.

I thank Og Mandino for it. His teachings and wisdom enabled me to be in the right place at the right time, to make this contribution and Mr Og Mandino, I am eternally grateful to you Sir. Thank you.

The programs I created back then were followed by far more advanced programs in later years, seminars, workshops and advanced trainings in many fields, delving into the neuro-sciences and alternative thinking therapies and strategies way before they were popular or fashionable. Life has changed and evolved much for me since then, and the products and services I now deliver are far more advanced than anything I could have dreamed of back in the 1980’s. However, just like you can trace your DNA back hundreds or thousands of years, so you can trace the DNA of my programs and training back to the simple, fundamental philosophies and teachings of Og Mandino, and some of the other great mentors of my early years in business and training.

Whilst some people have said that “unless it’s created with the technology of the current day, it doesn’t work anymore”, I think about the other fundamental laws of nature and physics and the generalised principles that still make the world go round. Gravity is one such law. It’s still working incredibly well. Cause and effect. Very powerful also. Sayings like “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar” and so on, still relevant and absolutely true. The fundamentals will always work. Because they are the fundamentals of life and of very our existence on this planet. They are there for everyone to use, if only they knew about them and would access them to their benefit.

Please look at this link about OG MANDINO. His life story makes for powerful reading. Before becoming a best-selling author, Og Mandino was a bombardier and pilot in the US Air Force during World War 2. He flew with fellow pilot and later movie star, James Stewart. During his early life after the war, he, like so many other returned soldiers, contemplated ending it all, but found inspiration in a book, and his life changed also. His remarkable life story is well worth reading…

Og Mandino

Og Mandino Air Crew Courtesy of

If you would like to experience the benefits of the teachings of Og Mandino as they influenced my life, you can. I have packaged much of what I learned from Og Mandino into Life Change 90, the life change program that over a period of just 90 days, can transform the life of the person who truly commits to it. No matter what you do, you are here, on this planet, and you are likely to be here for the next ninety days. Make them count. Get Life Change 90!

If you know someone else whose life could benefit from exposure to the principles espoused and taught by Og Mandino, please send this blog article to them. I’m sure they will thank you.

Til next time, fair winds and full sails.


Life Change 90 Relaunch

Life Change 90 Relaunch

The Life Change 90 Relaunch!

Tonight we are launching an effort which holds the promise of changing the course of human history. – Ronald Reagan

Who would have thought that since last publishing Moving House some time ago, it would have taken this long to resume blogging on Life change 90? When we relocated to our new home, a modern, single level home in a reasonably new estate, that we would have had internet problems!

However, as you can see in the Spaghetti photo, the builder was a budding electrician, but without staying power. He stopped before the job was finished and the wiring was an absolute nightmare! The technician who eventually sorted out the tangle was flabbergasted. Eventually, he solved in as in the fable of the Gordian Knot. He found the active wire, and bypassed everything else to start all over!

The time offline wasn’t totally wasted though. As you will see from browsing the Life Change 90 website, we decided on a Life Change 90 relaunch, with a whole host of new goodies for you. More you ask? Let’s take a look at what the Life Change 90 Relaunch means for you.

First change with the Life Change 90 Relaunch

First, the Life Change 90 program has been reworked, and is now at Version 2.1. We considered the feedback we had, corrected some typo errors (my typing mistakes there), simplified the instructions more, added a whole new goalsetting module up front and changed the 1-31 sheets at the end, to make it simpler to use, and we have found it also flows much more easily between days and sections. You will love it! Check it out!

Then, as life change is often as much external as it is internal, we decided to work with and assist those who are thinking of a life change into business for themselves. Perhaps second only to the dream of owning your own home, comes the desire to be the boss in your own business. The Life Change 90 Relaunch has really come to the party for you.

New features with the Life Change 90 Relaunch

First new item in the Life Change 90 Relaunch is the free download Quiz, “Should you be the boss in your own business?” This is a quiz to look for your inner entrepreneur. Whilst it’s nice to think we could be Sir Richard Branson or Warren Buffet if only we had the chance, perhaps there is a different model we need to look at. Not everyone can be the “front” person in a business, although many can. Many people work best with a partner, or with a board to advise them. Only a few can be the solo entrepreneur, and this Quiz can help you find out what your best model of business management would be. Check it out HERE, and in the Side Bar on the right of your screen.

The #Life Change 90 Relaunch also gives you the next step in the “be your own boss” business process: how to create, plan and launch your own business. We created a new download for you there too.  It’s called the BUSINESS PROFITS PROGRAM. Check it out HERE!

Life Change 90 Relaunch

The Business Profits Program

This program is designed to enable you to look at your situation, decide where your strengths are, what you have to offer the business world and then to design a business around it. Then it helps you totally plan your business, right up to and beyond launch day, and even assists with identifying business partners, if that is what you need too.

This program is the essential tool to make sure your new business venture – if you desire to and choose to create one, doesn’t become one of the sorry statistics we hear bandied around about how many businesses fail. Businesses that don’t prepare correctly fail, and if you use this program, yours is most unlikely to be one of them!

The Life Change 90 Relaunch is the start of great things to come. New blog topics prepared, new products, and whole new focus to add to the already powerful Life Change 90 Program that has already been providing #empowerment to so many people.

Come on, join the crowd and come check out the Life Change 90 Relaunch. See you there.

If you felt this article could have helped you relaunch your life with your own business or a fresh start elsewhere, please share it with others. Pass it on, because just like you, and me, there are so many people praying for a new start in their lives too.  We need to help them where and when we can.

Til next time, fair winds and full sails,

Ray Jamieson

If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad. – Denis Watley


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