How to Change Your Life – part 1

The time is now! Image from Wikihow
“What you’re missing is that the path itself changes you.” ― Julien Smith, The Flinch
How to Change Your Life
If you look at an old photo, you know you have changed. Some major changes, others more subtle, but you will have changed. Change will continue – that is part of being alive.
Consciously choosing major life change is different. Moving from what you know and are comfortable with, to something totally or markedly different can be daunting. However, a number of times in the life of every person, this happens.
There are three ways Life Change happens.
1. You can just let life drag you along and accept wherever you end up.
2. You can wait until life’s events force you into taking action, because you cannot remain where you are.
3. The third option, and the best, is to take charge of the change, guide and direct it to achieve exactly what you want from life. When you accept that life change will happen a number of times through life, you think differently about how important this change process is!
What are these Life Change events?
1. Starting school
2. Changing school
3. Graduating from school and entering the workforce
4. Entering and graduating university
5. Each significant relationship beginning (and possibly ending)
6. Marriage
7. Birth of children
8. Changes in residence, either from one home to another, or to a new town, state or country.
9. Health changes
10. Financial changes
11. Career changes
12. Starting a business
13. Retirement
14. Interests and personal goals taking prominence in your life
15. Setting new major goals
These are some of the events that precipitate life changes. We are all in there, a number of times.

Starting school! Image from Huffington Post
Some changes we have little control over, such as starting or leaving school or university to enter the workforce, health or financial challenges, career changes when employers make decisions for you.
However, there are many changes we CAN take control and ownership of. Many will pre-empt forced changes that might otherwise occur. For example, if your employer is in trouble financially, deciding to seek a new career early before you are laid off is a better option and one which gives you more time and control over the change, rather than waiting to be given notice! That only provides a fortnight and some severance pay to speed you on your way.
This blog is the first in a series on #HOW TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE and will provide a Step-By-Step guide to making life changes. Each new blog in the series will deal with and guide you through another part of the process. This first blog in the “How To Change Your Life” series is all about the decision to make the change, and your motivation for it.
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
The motivation to change.
The first step is the realisation you have to make changes. This can be as a result of imposed change, or because you desire better and choose to change.
Your motivation for change is important, in the longer term results you achieve from the change process. If you desire something new or better from your life, that will attract the result of the change towards you far more than something which is just pushing you off your previous path.
If your employer is actually in trouble, you could see it as being forced to change, and go look for another similar job. That is called “AWAY” motivation, just getting away from something you don‘t like, or fear – unemployment in this case.
If you change your attitude towards it, you begin your job search early to look for a new career opportunity of your choosing, seeking the stability, financial rewards, personal challenge and satisfaction that actually makes going to work a pleasure! That is a much more attractive, powerful and inspirational motivator than just looking for any old job that is available.
Knowing what you want.
The next part of the process is in knowing exactly what you want. Without clarity, you can search aimlessly and perhaps miss the perfect opportunity, because you didn’t recognise it.
How do you know what you want?
When you are choosing a new life direction, choose one you are passionate about.
If you don’t know what your passion is, invest in the Business Profits Program.
This PDF download is a simple, powerful and effective planning tool that begins with finding your passion. From there you can build a career, your job, life or even a business if you choose, around that passion.

Passion! Image from “What a Feeling” by Irene Cara
First, find your passion.
“There is no passion to be found playing small–in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela
The tools in the Business Profits Program will identify what you love about your life, what you are good at, and where you can focus to create a life that you love, doing what you are great at, and where you will be rewarded for it!
If you know someone else who is motivated and wants to learn how to change your life, please tell them about this powerful series. Any period of change is a time when we can use all the support available.
Til next time, fair winds and full sails.
Ray Jamieson
Next time: Acting on your decision to change
“Success is a decision, not a gift.” ― Steve Backley
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