When life takes a turn, and you need support….! Image from solutionstherapy.com.au
Life Change Coach
“A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.” ― John Wooden
Change is part of daily living and growing. It is one of the few certainties we can count on in life. Everything changes, sooner or later. Evolution has been the way of our planet, for billions of years.
When our life circumstances change, we need to be able to change and evolve too. We and our lives need to keep pace with the changes. It’s either that, or be left behind.
The problem is that humans are also creatures of habit. We like things to stay the way they are. We naturally like routine. We like comfort zones. We like our coffee (or tea) to start our day. We like our toast buttered in a certain way. We like to bank our money every week.
However, when we are forced by external circumstances to change, we often feel challenged, pressured, stressed and our thinking becomes less rational as we try to hang on to the life we knew and were ‘comfortable’ with, no matter how comfortable it really was. It was what we knew and now we feel it is under threat! Depending on the urgency and the rate of change, we sometimes do things under this duress that later on, in more rational thinking spaces, we wonder “WHY DID I DO THAT?”
Rapid change can be traumatic, especially if we are not in control of the change. Change forced on us by others, by corporations, employers especially can be the hardest, because their reasons for change are to do with their agenda and for their benefit usually. Changes forced by tragedy, by events and accidents, can also be hard to bear and deal with, but if anything can be said for it, there is no other external agenda behind it.
How do we manage change, whether it is our choice of not?
One of the best ways to manage change is to get a little help from someone not personally affected by or involved in the change. Someone impartial, but someone who knows about change and change management and is working for YOUR benefit!
For example:
If you wanted to change your game from an ordinary C-Grade tennis player standard in your local competition to winning in A-Grade, slamming down aces, you’d first hire a tennis coach.
If your golf game was miserable and you wanted to play better, you’d hire a golf pro as your coach. Just for a while.
If you truly want your life to change, why not retain a Life Change Coach, especially when a life change situation is thrust upon you?
It makes sense. Golf coaches coach you with your golf game. A tennis coach will coach with your tennis game. A relationship coach will coach with improving your relationships. Why not retain a Life Change Coach when you need or want to change and improve your life?
What is a “Life Change Event”?
Typical life change events:
• Forced job or career changes
• Trauma or tragedy in your family or close community
• Financial challenges forcing lifestyle changes
• Relocation to a new community
• Health challenges, accidents
• Relationship changes
• Birth of a child, or the kids leaving home
• Personal unrest or dissatisfaction with life, success and/or achievement
• Inspiration to set new goals
• Seeing someone else fail or succeed and being prompted to change
• A seminar. Workshop or even a conversation that changed your mindset
There are many possible life change events, and they will be different for everyone. The same life change event will have different effects and impacts on different people. For example, your company restructure means that you are suddenly redundant and looking for a new job. For some people, it’s just a matter of getting another job. Someone else might take it as a sign that it’s time to find another career. Others might think it was time for them to set up that business they have always wanted to run. Others fall apart and cannot handle the thought of having no job security! It’s different for everyone!

Getting some help with the game of your life! Image from swingtipsgolf.blogspot.com
What is a “Life Change Coach”?
A regular life coach is someone who will work with you to improve your life as it is now. They will help you accept yourself maybe, or straighten out the bumps on your path on life’s highway. By contrast, a Life Change Coach specialises in working with you when the road is not only rough, but when it’s the wrong road, and you need to make massive shifts to get your life where it needs to be. It’s not just fine tuning your life as it is now, it’s helping you create the new life you want, and perhaps have always wanted but for a host of circumstances, have never been able to achieve!
“Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.” ― Roopleen, Words to inspire the winner in YOU
How to choose the right Life Change Coach for you.
Everything affects everything else. Whether your desired change is in your health, career, relationship, finances or your personal growth, every change you make in one area will affect the other areas of your life. A dedicated Life Change Coach can be the very best strategy to begin your life change program.
Life Change 90 is the Life Change Coach specialist.
With a Life Change 90 coach, you have access to leading edge life change coach tools and over 2 decades of life change coach experience.
Ray Jamieson could be your Life Change Coach, giving you the benefit of his extensive experiences in:
Personal Growth and Development.
Beginning in 1987, working with Jim Rohn, Og Mandino, Blair Singer, Robert Kiyosaki, Michael Domeyko Rowland and other great personal development leaders and luminaries, writing and delivering personal growth and development seminars and workshops in the corporate world, then taking them public with the Executive Mastermind Program in 2000. He has very extensive experience in personal growth and development.
Business Consulting and Troubleshooting, for growth, expansion and profit.
Entering the Corporate World in 1987 after the massive share market crash in that year, working with companies in corporate rescue and refinancing, restructuring for the new era, business planning, troubleshooting, innovation, finance and growth. Resources of vast experience in business strategy and structuring for success and profit.
Financial Planning.
A qualified financial adviser since 2008, knowledge and understanding of investment and insurance strategies for use in innovative ways to put you ahead of the competition.
Change Management and Career Development.
With personal reinvention at least 4 times during his career and working successfully with hundreds of other people personally on career change and development, specific job search and with vast experience in career change strategies.
Ray Jamieson qualified as a Life Coach through Dave Rogers and the XL Results Foundation and also has Cert. 4 Training and Assessment qualifications in Australia, in addition to thousands of hours of dedicated study in seminars, workshops and private study over the last 25 years. He has also presented the Executive Mastermind Program workshops, and numerous career change programs including “Job Club” for the Australian Federal Government. He has written and developed other specific corporate programs to corporate specifications. He consolidated his formal qualifications with experience in the field with real, live people whose lives mattered in the results they gained.
Experience a Life Change Coach now!
Life Change 90 is a website dedicated to people undergoing life change, whether in their personal, career or business lives, people who are committed to a better life for themselves. The blogs, the coaching and resources on Life Change 90 are the tools you need for your coming Life Change. When your life needs to change and you need assistance to manage and control the change, you need to contact Life Change 90 for your Life Change Coach.
What your Life Change Coach will provide:
• Specific Tools: You will work with both the Life Change 90 Program and the Business Profits Program, and other tools as required by your circumstances. The Life Change Coach will provide these if and when necessary.
• The Business Profits Program will identify the areas of passion in your life that will fuel your dreams and goals, and provide a business perspective of how to attain the changes and results you desire. It is provided free with your coaching.
• The Life Change 90 program is where on a daily basis you will plan for and then consolidate your successes, using the format of the program. It is also provided free with your coaching.
• The life change coach program will run for 6 months, with three coaching sessions per month. There is an option for three months to begin with.
• Your Life Change Coach will begin by consulting with you to initially set up your coaching program, and three times monthly will coach you over Skype to provide additional strategies, resources and clarification of the coaching tools you are using.
• Your first 35 minute Skype session is free of charge and obligation free. Should you desire to continue with your Life Change Coaching sessions, your coach will set up your coaching schedule at that time. To request a Life Change Coach initial session, please use the Contact Form below.
What is the investment for your Life Change Coach?
Life Change Coach fees are an investment of $1,000 per month for 6 months or for 3 months. If paid in advance for 6 months, the total fee payable is $5,500, a saving of $500.
Your coaching tools will be provided to you on receipt of your payment.
Life Change Coach sessions will be scheduled for the month in advance. Your first scheduled coaching session will set you up in your program and begin your “Life Snapshot” – to establish the starting point for your journey forward from this point.
The coaching and tools are in the English language.
Your Life Change Coach is based in the Australian Eastern Standard Time zone. However, sessions can be scheduled at a mutually convenient time, before, during or after your own working day or on weekends, at mutually convenient times.
What is covered in the free initial Life Change Coach session?
In this 35 minute session, we will look at the three critical areas of this life change period for you. They are:
1. Getting clear on what you want. Whatever your situation is now, it obviously has to change for some reason. You need to establish your starting point, but also know clearly what you want from the change and where your life needs to go. This is your priority; create a clear vision for what you want in your life and confirm your commitment to it.
2. Get another viewpoint on your situation. Sometimes life is like a fishbowl – we can’t see outside of the little tank we are in, but someone from outside the bowl can give you a clearer picture of your situation and your opportunities, and what you have to work with. The Life Change Coach can help with your understanding of the challenges and obstacles you face and put them in perspective with your goals for change.
3. Establish a program and schedule for this change. Put a plan around it and give it the priority it deserves in your life. Make it happen!

A Life Change Coach can put YOU on target! Image from sportengland.org
Where to next?
Fill in your details through the contact link below with your contact details, your location and time zone, and submit it to Life Change 90. We ask you to answer some fundamental questions in the contact form request. These are:
1. What do you want to change?
2. How urgent and critical is this change?
3. Whose change is it – yours or required by an external influence?
4. What time frame do you have?
5. What other areas of your life would you like to improve or change?
6. Full name
7. Email address
8. Skype name and contact details
9. Time zone and location
We will respond to you shortly after you submit your contact form with these answers, to set up your initial Skype free Life Change Coach session.